This time last year we experienced one of the worlds most interesting automotive events, Speed Week. This happens once a year on the revered Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Man and machine combine to become one for a run up the salt, wringing every last drop of speed out of themselves and their machine, in the hopes that they might set a record. The salt is similar in appearance to snow, it's kind of wet and sticks to everything like glue. I saw one guy pull up at the start of the salt, he filled a small container, quickly scanned the surroundings and jumped back in his car and went on his way. I'm not sure what this was for, I'm doubting it was for his fish & chips.
It's not the usual type of motor sports event, you can get up close and personal. There is very little in way of boundaries, you can pretty much roam to your hearts content, you can even stand just metres away from the start line. The only rules that stood out, are to not step foot onto the courses and everyone must be off the salt by dusk (which we only just managed). The machines come in all shapes and sizes, be it two or four wheeled. This is reflected in the folk that descend to the salt too, they range from extreme petrol head to fascinated passers by. A few things that are universal is a smile, a smile the size of a ripe banana and tans that would give a dermatologist nightmares.
Simon Hewson©2012 |
Simon Hewson©2012 |
Simon Hewson©2012 |
Simon Hewson©2012 |