Again, one year to the day, it's week two and we're now deep into Portugal. The sun is shining, the wine has been free flowing and the cheese has already taken its toll on our increasing waist lines. Today we will meet Maria. Maria sits on the wall to her one bedroom home and enjoys watching the world pass by. She wears a pendant with a photograph of her late husband, he is quite a looker. My Nan passed away a few years ago and she reminds me of her, she has the same cheeky glint in her eye. Maria doesn't speak English and I don't speak any Portuguese, we do however sit and have a lovely chat. We meet her son briefly, he pops his head out of the low doorway to see whats going on, quickly losing interest he goes back inside. Maria is warm, open and full of youthful spirit. I liked Maria a lot. Until next week.
Simon Hewson ©2012 |