Buongiorno! On this day one year ago, we were in the land of wonderful coffee and bread that you didn't ask for, want or eat but still had to pay for. Yes you guessed it, this week we're in Italy. First off, I love Italy, I have been many times and I love the Italian spirt. However, things have changed. Italy has always been a place where you have to pay for almost everything ranging from laying on the beach to going to the toilet, but it seems more desperate now. The hard sell has become compulsory in almost any store you step foot in, restaurants only give service to those who wish to feast. What has happened to the laid back Italians I used to know and love? One thing that is still the same is the driving skills. The smaller the road the faster you go. It's in the blood, the fire and the passion is on display for all to see and avoid if you're quick enough. I had to pull the mirrors in on the van more than once, in fact I left them in for whole days at a time. The other thing that is as wonderful as ever is the pizza, my diet consisted of
Prosciutto e Funghi pizza paired with a fine can or bottle of
Lemon Soda, pure bliss. One evening I did try and order something different, but my gut told me to stick with the old combo. The old adage "go with your gut" was never more fitting, although my shorts were starting to not fit due to my gut!
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Simon Hewson©2012