

There has been a silence on the blog of late. The silence has now been broken, the clouds have parted so to speak. With clouds in mind, enjoy these stormy ones over the beach of my childhood home.
Until next week (unless things get crazy again!)

Simon Hewson©2012



"Enjoy uninterrupted views, pristine beaches and crystal clear water"

Simon Hewson ©2012



Your probably thinking... what's going on with all this nature stuff?!? All I can say is, I feel very connected to the land and mother earth's powers are strong within. But never fear, next week we will no doubt be back to images of mans love of destruction and the gentle decay of the fabrics of society!
So behold this wonderful sunrise over the Grand Canyon. I thought I would be the early bird, but no. As I arrived at my scouted spot from the previous day, I descended upon hundreds of other sun seekers. Not wanting to hang around or push and shove to get a clear shot, I ran for the hills so to speak. Perched on a rocky out crop, I got the clearest view I could find, I also had the joy of watching the morning unfold by myself, alone with my surrounds, soaking in all of natures glory.

Simon Hewson ©2012


Chappelli by Ian Chappell

Simon Hewson ©2012

The new book by Ian Chappell is soon to hit the shelves. It promises to be an exciting read and not just one for the cricket fans. I just got my advance copy from Random House. I'm really pleased with the cover, which was designed by Luke Causby at Blue Cork. We had a great day shooting with Ian, he was relaxed and in great spirits, he told us many funny and fascinating tales whilst photographing him.
I can only begin to imagine what lies between the covers of the book! 
The book is due out on the 19th of November and will be available from all good bookstores.



This weeks instalment is from a new series that I have been working on.
'Lantana and other weeds' takes a brief look at how society attaches labels.
A flower can be a thing of beauty in one world, but in another it can be considered noxious.
If a plant grows strong, pushes through adversity and flowers to spread seed, then why do we not take joy in such things?
Is this not a metaphor for life?

Simon Hewson ©2012



A rather fetching array of colour for you this week.
This photograph was made in Aigues Mortes, France. No more explanation needed.



A little late with this weeks image... Lot's of projects are up in the air. I have never been able to juggle more than two balls. Take that how you will!

This weeks image is from the archive, taken back in 2004 in Japan.

After a long and some what failed night in Tokyo, I awoke to a beautifully crisp morning.
On opening the curtains Tina Turner instantly blurted out "Steeeaaamy windows... Comin from ya body heat." In my head of course.

Simon Hewson ©2012



A warm fridge, containing only moisture. Carpets that bare nondescript stains, some so darkened with age that there may well have been a bloody battle fought and lost. Curtains that let in the light of day, but are threadbare enough to allow the laziest of peeping toms a good look come night fall. A mattress supported by a number of milk crates, all of different heights and strengths. Wood panel walls that provide an easy clean surface and an odd odour.

We made the decision that we could stretch the budget form here on in.

Simon Hewson ©2012



This weeks image is a little sneak peak into my new series. It will be produced in book form and if the stars align, it will be available by the end of November. I don't want to give away too much now, however I will tell you that this series has been on my mind and the focus of my lens for about 6 years. This photograph was made in the old town of Belchite, Spain. The entire town still stands locked in time. Civil war broke out here in 1937. Once the battle was over, Franco ordered that the ruins of Belchite be left as a monument to a bloody civil war, the remaining residents were forced to build a new town next to the expanse of ruins that they once called home.

Simon Hewson©2012



I sometimes find staring at certain photographs very soothing. A sense of peace and calm take over, as the internal chatter goes quiet.
To me, this is one of those photographs. Have a stare. I hope you feel the same.

Simon Hewson©2012



As the paint slowly peals and cracks appear, President Obamas framed photo bends with age.
The Democratic party building in Dixon, Illinois.

Simon Hewson©2012



What better way to close a chapter, than with a sunset. Our travels were over. Our hearts and minds full of thought and inspiration. The key is keeping that feeling alive. Especially when you know your heading home to a pile of bills and an empty fridge. We were however, pleasantly surprised when we finally got home. On the opening of the fridge, our lovely house sitter Anna, had made us a welcome home cake.
Not a bad start to the next chapter.
Until next week...

Simon Hewson ©2012



This time last year we experienced one of the worlds most interesting automotive events, Speed Week. This happens once a year on the revered Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Man and machine combine to become one for a run up the salt, wringing every last drop of speed out of themselves and their machine, in the hopes that they might set a record. The salt is similar in appearance to snow, it's kind of wet and sticks to everything like glue. I saw one guy pull up at the start of the salt, he filled a small container, quickly scanned the surroundings and jumped back in his car and went on his way. I'm not sure what this was for, I'm doubting it was for his fish & chips.
It's not the usual type of motor sports event, you can get up close and personal. There is very little in way of boundaries, you can pretty much roam to your hearts content, you can even stand just metres away from the start line. The only rules that stood out, are to not step foot onto the courses and everyone must be off the salt by dusk (which we only just managed). The machines come in all shapes and sizes, be it two or four wheeled. This is reflected in the folk that descend to the salt too, they range from extreme petrol head to fascinated passers by. A few things that are universal is a smile, a smile the size of a ripe banana and tans that would give a dermatologist nightmares.

Simon Hewson©2012

Simon Hewson©2012

Simon Hewson©2012

Simon Hewson©2012



This week is a slightly special image of the week. Firstly its not just one image. Secondly the people in these photographs all share a special bond. They are all hobo's.
A hobo is someone who travels to work , they are not a bum or a tramp. Their mode of transport is the railroad system which is ingrained into their long history.
I made these photographs a year  ago to the day (almost). We were heading west through Iowa and we pulled up in a quirky little town called Britt. Britt has become the official home of the hobo. Each year it holds the 'National Hobo Convention', this is a week long gathering which culminates in the crowning of the new 'Hobo King and Queen'. On our arrival we went to the Hobo Museum, fascinated, we got chatting to the lady at the desk, she told us that some of the hobos were already in town and were camped out beside the railroad tracks. We decided to go down and have a chat. Seven hours passed, we learnt so much, met so many wonderful people and listened to years worth of tales. It truly was one of the best days of ours lives.
Tommy or "Oops" as he is know in the hobo community (apparently named this because he has fallen from a moving train) was celebrating his birthday, he spends the entire year travelling the length and breadth of the country. He shares this lifestyle with most hobos, some have become too old to jump trains but they still travel. Connecticut Shorty, a past hobo queen, started jumping trains in the early 90's and only recently stopped. She misses it, it's part of her family history, her father rode the rails his entire life. Her older brother still rides them. She now travels around in a van with her sister. Tuck was the 2007 hobo king, he still rides the rails. A positive outlook on life is something they all share and Tuck is no exception, he travels to work and when there is no work, he makes things to sell to get by. If you ever pass by the little town of Britt make sure you pop in, take a look around, you never know, you might just be as lucky as we were.

Oops, Simon Hewson ©2012
Simon Hewson ©2012
Tuck, Simon Hewson ©2012

Oops, Simon Hewson ©2012
Connecticut Shorty, Simon Hewson ©2012



A year ago today we pulled up in Dixon, Illinois. What at first sight appeared to be a relatively sleepy city, happens to be the extremely proud home town of the late Ronald Reagan. It seems apt that my 40th image of the week is about the 40th President of the USA, especially as most countries are feeling a great sense of patriotic pride from watching their sports people put their everything into the London Olympics. Reagan himself was quite the athlete in his time. In 1927 he was a lifeguard at Rock River where he saved 77 people from drowning. A large statue of him horseback stands as testament beside the very same river. I was too young in the early eighties to know much about Reagan, I only really knew of him through the satirical TV show 'Spitting Image', although funny, it may not have been the closest portrayal of a man that gave a country hope and warmed the hearts of many. He was a positive man, he tried to make a difference and in many ways he did make a difference. It seems to me, that in this life that is all we should really aim to do.

Simon Hewson©2012



After a week of fun, food and relaxation in NYC we headed for Niagara Falls. We decided to drive through Canada for a day or two and re join the USA at Detroit. I have been fascinated by the falls since childhood. This was sure to be a pilgrimage.
Alec Soth's wonderful book 'Niagara' explains Niagara's story so beautifully through the visual medium of photography, that I would not even attempt to try to put into words what he did within his book, all I will say is if you haven't seen it, get it!
 The "What's on your bucket list?" question comes up all the time. I would have to say that Niagara Falls was firmly on my list. The Maid Of The Mist boat ride really moved me, to be able to be so close to such an awesome natural force. I may have even shed a tear, but that might have just been spray in my eyes, hard to tell. So us humans are so awe struck by its sheer natural magnificence, size, energy and power, however, some find it perfectly acceptable to casually drop litter on or in one of our fragile earths most amazing natural wonders. I really try to believe that we all care about our planet, but sights like this test my belief.

Simon Hewson©2012



As we neared ever closer to our first major pit stop in NYC, the road had been throwing us all sorts of adventures. On the same day that I made this photograph in Exmore, Virginia, we passed by a wreckers yard. I stopped to photograph a beat up 1956 Cadillac hearse. I asked for permission first as I didn't want to run into any problems, as it turned out it was a good thing I did.
I got chatting to they guy that owned the place, a nice bloke with a really positive outlook. We soon fell into deep discussion. We got onto the subject of guns. A subject that is currently a strong talking point in the media, due to the horrific shootings in Aurora, Colorado. He explained how he carries a concealed handgun and that he was waiting for his license to be approved for a machine gun. This baffled my wife and I. "Why?" we asked. He explained that it was his right and that in the right hands they are harmless. But the question still remains why/ how do they end up in the wrong hands? Surely the idea of having the right to bear arms is in need of some tough review. It seems to me that the idea of having more and living up to old ideals is holding back this beautiful country.

Simon Hewson©2012


Gaz By Mark Gasnier

Simon Hewson©2012

The new book by Mark Gasnier is soon to hit the shelves. It promises to be an exciting read. I just got my advance copy from Random House and I'm really happy with the cover which was designed by Luke Causby at Blue Cork. I shot this cover awhile back now, I don't confess to know a great deal about rugby league, I was however well aware of Gasnier's achievements in the sport, probably from watching the State Of Origin and getting uncharacteristically excited with my brother in law over a few beers. 
Mark was great to photograph, he was easy to relax and an all round top bloke. 
The book is due out on the first of August and will be available from all good bookstores. 



A year ago to the day we decided to stop in New Orleans, we looked forward to a few days of rest and an abundance of hearty food. 
Allow me to set a scene for you, the air is humid after summer rainfall. An older man plays a weeping saxophone on a wet street corner, he's being listened to by a group of foot taping musicians digging the saxophone mans vibe. The sun is slowly setting as night creeps in, you can feel the energy in the air, it's alive with music.
Ok so that was my naive idea of what New Orleans was going to be like... not so I'm afraid. It has suffered the same fate as many a great place, tacky tourism = live sex shows, guys on bucks nights drinking till they pass out and an abundance of tourists in ill fitting shorts.
But we must forgive this and look at what really makes this place so special, the food, the music and most of all the people. 
We were lucky enough to find Verti Marte a place to eat that is open 24 hours, chefs go there to eat once they knock off for the night. Their Po-boys are like nothing you have ever tasted and the people that work there are great. I dare anyone to go there and not get into a conversation with someone about how great the food is! 
The music, we found out pretty damn quick that Bourbon Street is best avoided at all costs. So we had to ask around and we were put onto Frenchman Street. This little street has it all going on, there are a bundle of places all next door to one another, most don't have a cover charge, you just have to make sure you tip the musicians well and enjoy the music. 
Lastly, the people, as we headed into New Orleans we drove over the bridge, we scrambled for money for the toll, as we got there the guy waved us through, I stopped anyway as I thought I was misunderstanding something. We were then told that the guy in the car in front of us had payed our toll for us, amazing. Almost everyone we crossed paths with were really warm and open, they are certainly effected by the devastation that Katrina caused and I'm sure the wound will never truly heal, but they have such a wonderful spirit about them which is what keeps them going and that is what made New Orleans so special for me.

Simon Hewson©2012



We are one year to the day again. After our first week on the road in the US, we felt that we had seen and experienced about a months worth of sounds, sights and overly filled plates of food. Today we have entered New Mexico. We are taking a little detour to visit the White Sands National Monument. White Sands covers 275 square miles of desert. The dunes are constantly shifting, therefore creating an ever changing landscape. The sand is not sand as we know it, it's pure gypsum (hydrous calcium sulfate) (science lesson over). This area is just amazing, as are the surrounds. Both Ansel Adams and Edward Weston spent time photographing the dunes in the 40's. Edward Weston in fact produced some of his later work here in 1946 only two years before he was unable to photograph any longer due to Parkinson's.

Simon Hewson©2012

Aside from Weston and Adams making photographs here, 1945 was a very important year for this area, if not the world. Around 50 miles north of this natural wonder a very unnatural wonder was unfolding. On the 16th of July 1945 the first atomic bomb was tested at the trinity test site within the White Sands Missile Range, this was the test for what was later used in anger at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. How can such natural beauty and such man-made ugliness co-exist? The image below was made at a rest stop on U.S. Route 70 en-route to White Sands National Monument.

Simon Hewson©2012



Happy 4th of July! It seems fitting that the American leg of our journey starts today. We begin in Hollywood. The home to so many dreams, some fulfilled and some not so. Although I have to say this girl is fulfilling a dream, she is happily high-fiving Darth Vader as her family looks on in amusement/ disbelief. I guess there is another side to this story though, that of the Dark Lord, I'm guessing he never imagined that he would be working Hollywood Boulevard for peoples spare change. His plans for universal domination didn't really go to plan did they? I guess you can put that in the dream unfulfilled bin. That's all folks! (until next week)

Simon Hewson©2012



This weeks image of the week is from my hometown of Sutton-On-Sea, Lincolnshire. Our Euro trip had ended and we were gearing up for our next chapter, the USA. We quickly went back to where I grew up to spend some time with the family and relax before we feasted our senses on America.
My hometown is a sleepy place, it is flat, it has a sandy beach that runs as far as the eye can see, it has an abundance of people with one foot in the grave and it has three pubs. These are the constants in this town. The things that have changed over the years seem minimal and inconsequential in terms of the wider world. However this town has changed a lot since I grew up here. There are no empty fields left. Almost everyone has UPVC windows and doors. The ice cream parlour is long gone as are the break waters on the beach. One thing that hasn't changed is this orange bin. It has been there for as long as I can remember. See you next week in the US of A.

Simon Hewson©2012



This week our Euro adventure comes to an end. We close this chapter in Belgium. We spent a couple of days in Belgium before heading back to England. We learnt all about frites, chocolate, beer and good old fashioned hospitality thanks to our lovely Belgian hosts, the Danschutter's. I took this shot in Gent, I'm not quite sure what is happening here, it's up to you to make your own minds up. Next weeks instalment will be coming from my home town, Sutton-On-Sea. We then jet off to the USA!

Simon Hewson©2012



On this day last year we were at the half way point of the European leg of our trip. This week we are in the beautiful land of Croatia. This place holds a very special place in my heart, it is where my wife and I first told each other that we love each other. Just to clarify it wasn't on this trip, but on our first trip around 8 years ago. Nothing has changed, I'm still in love with this place and I'm more in love with the ball n chain. Until next week.

Simon Hewson©2012


Craig Waddell

I recently visited artist Craig Waddell at his studio. I was commissioned to photograph Craig, his studio and his work for a soon to be published book.

Born in Sydney in 1973, Waddell graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art from the National Art School in 1999 and a Master of Fine Art (Printmaking) at the Chiang Mai University, Thailand 2004. His recent awards include the 2008 Moya Dyring, Art Gallery of New South Wales residency at the Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris; the 2007 Marten Bequest Travelling Art Scholarship; and the 2007 Artspace residency at the Gunnery in Sydney. His many prizes include the Mosman Art Prize in 2010, the Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize and the Tattersall’s Art Prize for landscape painting both in 2005, and the Paddington Art Prize and the Norville Australian Landscape Prize both in 2004. Waddell was a finalist in the 2006 and 2012 Achibald Prize and was also included in 2006 Salon des Refusés. In 2005 he was a finalist in the Blake Prize and the Wynne Prize and is a finalist again in this year’s Wynne Prize. Craig is currently showing at Edwina Corlette Gallery in Brisbane, his home town gallery is Gallery 9 in Darlinghurst, Sydney. You can see more of Craig's work here www.craigwaddell.com

All images Copyright Simon Hewson ©2012



This time last year was our last day in Italy, we were due to set sail for Croatia the following afternoon. After much clenching of the teeth/jaw, we decided to park the van up for a few days and have a rest from driving. We decided that the Amalfi coast would be the perfect place to do this. I was more than happy to walk around for a few days, stretch the legs and avoid near head on collisions at every turn.
This weeks shot was taken on one of our walks from Marmorata into Almalfi. The walk is about  3 km, not a walk for the faint of heart. A very windy road with Sheer drops on one side and rock face on the other. Along the road are lots of little doorways to peoples homes and the odd shop, this doorway was just around from a blind corner. I'm not sure what was going on here, a nosey neighbour? A concerned passer by? I'll let you decide.  Later that night we celebrated our last night in Italy with a couple of beautiful ice creams, I bit into mine with all the gusto of a greedy child, I felt a strange crunch, thinking it was little odd, I carefully placed the hard object in my hand. On closer inspection I realised I had lost a good chunk of my front tooth. Great! The van got through Italy without a scratch, my teeth clenching however had taken its toll.

Simon Hewson ©2012



Buongiorno! On this day one year ago, we were in the land of wonderful coffee and bread that you didn't ask for, want or eat but still had to pay for. Yes you guessed it, this week we're in Italy. First off, I love Italy, I have been many times and I love the Italian spirt. However, things have changed. Italy has always been a place where you have to pay for almost everything ranging from laying on the beach to going to the toilet, but it seems more desperate now. The hard sell has become compulsory in almost any store you step foot in, restaurants only give service to those who wish to feast. What has happened to the laid back Italians I used to know and love? One thing that is still the same is the driving skills. The smaller the road the faster you go. It's in the blood, the fire and the passion is on display for all to see and avoid if you're quick enough. I had to pull the mirrors in on the van more than once, in fact I left them in for whole days at a time. The other thing that is as wonderful as ever is the pizza, my diet consisted of Prosciutto e Funghi pizza paired with a fine can or bottle of Lemon Soda, pure bliss. One evening I did try and order something different, but my gut told me to stick with the old combo. The old adage "go with your gut" was never more fitting, although my shorts were starting to not fit due to my gut!

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Simon Hewson©2012



Again, one year to the day, it's week two and we're now deep into Portugal. The sun is shining, the wine has been free flowing and the cheese has already taken its toll on our increasing waist lines. Today we will meet Maria. Maria sits on the wall to her one bedroom home and enjoys watching the world pass by. She wears a pendant with a photograph of her late husband, he is quite a looker. My Nan passed away a few years ago and she reminds me of her, she has the same cheeky glint in her eye. Maria doesn't speak English and I don't speak any Portuguese, we do however sit and have a lovely chat. We meet her son briefly, he pops his head out of the low doorway to see whats going on, quickly losing interest he goes back inside.  Maria is warm, open and full of youthful spirit. I liked Maria a lot. Until next week.

Simon Hewson ©2012



Time to dust of the heaters and dig out the Ugg boots. Winter seems to be blowing its way closer by the day. I think the best way to deal with winter is to ignore it, last year we skipped winter almost entirely. A year ago today we set sail for France, we travelled Europe and the USA for four months. So in the spirit of sharing, I have decided to take our travels once more, but this time I'm taking you with me. Each week the image of the week will be exactly one year to the day. Hopefully this will brighten your day and make summer feel like its not an age away.
This weeks image was taken in Jersey, the only place left with a one pound note and instant coffee.

Simon Hewson©2012


Happenings and other news

Wheres the image of the week? He's so lazy...

Well, I hold my hands high and apologise for the lack of image of the week over the past few weeks. I have had my head firmly stuck in a photography vacuum, I have managed to dislodge it for a few seconds, so I thought I would fill you in on the latest info.

My new show 'Playground' opened last week at Gaffa gallery, the opening was a fantastic night, much fun was had by all. The shows last day is the 14th of May, so if you want to see it, but haven't, you better get in quick!

So they say (whomever they actually are?) never work with kids and animals. This week I have done both.

Meet Mila, perfectly well behaved until Mum put her in a washing basket.

Simon Hewson©2012

Next meet Zeb, a very friendly dog and bicycle enthusiast. Will sit still for biscuits.

Simon Hewson©2012

Now for Sheila, Sheila is a black sheep. She doesn't hang with the others she chooses to do her own thing. She has a wine named after her.

Simon Hewson©2012

Then I spent a morning photographing beautiful bikes with Justin from Bondi bikes, that shop is a must visit place, even if you don't like bikes you will fall in love with something shiny in there.

Simon Hewson©2012

I also shot the winter collection for Nala. I know very little about fashion, but their stuff is pretty damn cool.

Simon Hewson©2012

So that was a very quick run down of my week, so far... Image of the week will be back next week!
Now where did I put that vacuum?